Praphulla Bhawsar

Praphulla Bhawsar

AI Engineer | PhD Student | Geekus Maximus


Ph.D. in Bioinformatics

Stony Brook University | Aug 2021 - Ongoing

M.S. in Computer Science

New York University | May 2019

B.Eng in Computer Engineering

University of Mumbai | Jun 2015


ImageBox3: Client-side Whole Slide Image Tiling with GeoTIFF.js

Developed an in-browser tiling mechanism for Whole Slide Images using GeoTIFF.js, leveraging the similarity of WSI data formats and Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs.

EpiPath: Digital Pathology in the Browser

Currently developing a zero-cost web app for Annotation, AI Modeling and Active Learning on Digital Medical Images in Box directly from the browser.

Galaxy Morphology Classification Via Transfer Learning

Trained a VGG-19 CNN using Keras to classify galaxies by morphology from raw sky survey images, demonstrating the advantages of transfer learning on astronomical datasets.


National Cancer Institute

Doctoral Fellow | Aug 2021 - Present

Data Engineer | Mar 2019 - Aug 2021

NYU Student Tech Innovation

Lead Developer | Sept 2017 - Feb 2019

Reliance Jio, India

Full Stack Developer | June 2015 - July 2017

Tech Skills

Languages & Frameworks

JavaScript, TensorFlow(+.js), Node.js, Python, PyTorch, Keras, OpenCV(+.js), Go, TypeScript, ReactJS, React Native, HTML, CSS


SQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Redis, Couchbase, Firestore, BigQuery


Git, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Docker, Tableau, D3.js, Plotly.js, Nginx


ImageBox3: No-Server Tile Serving to Traverse Whole Slide Images on the Web

Praphulla MS Bhawsar, Erich Bremer, Máire A Duggan, Stephen Chanock, Montserrat Garcia-Closas, Joel Saltz, Jonas S Almeida, arXiv

Browser-based data annotation, active learning, and real-time distribution of artificial intelligence models: from tumor tissue microarrays to COVID-19 radiology

Bhawsar PM, Abubakar M, Schmidt MK, Camp NJ, Cessna MH, Duggan MA, Garcia.Closas M, Almeida JS, Journal of Pathology Informatics 2021

Genomic and evolutionary classification of lung cancer in never smokers

Zhang, T., Joubert, P., Ansari-Pour, N. et al., Nature Genetics 2021

Mortality Tracker: the COVID-19 case for real time web APIs as epidemiology commons

Almeida, J. S., Shiels, M., Bhawsar, P. et al., Bioinformatics 2020

Template by Ryan Fitzgerald